Biology has always been one of my passions. My first research projects focused the study of plants and their relationship with other organisms. Physiological and morphological studies were my basis to start genetic, biochemical and molecular analysis in different plants such as rye or Arabidopsis.

Later, I wanted to use my knowledge of biology in a broader field and study the biodiversity of the atmosphere. Therefore, I continue researching the plant and microbiological world but, that is present in the air. For doing that, I used, and still use, the latest techniques of molecular biology and sequencing.

One of my current goals is to understand how the effects of climate change on the biosphere affect atmospheric biodiversity and ultimately overall ecosystems and society. 

In addition, I have also studied slime moulds, their genetics, and understanding their life style, performing de novo sequencing and transcriptomics analyses.

If I have attracted your interest in any of the lines of research, do not hesitate to write me through the contact form, and don't forget to frequently visit the website to keep up to date with the latest news!